we are

Starry Soul connects artists and enthusiasts in a welcoming space to make friends, discover art events, and collaborate. Whether you want to participate or host your own events, Starry helps you build meaningful connections and grow your artistic network.

“cherish the moment we share”

Together, let us shine like stars, each contributing our unique light to the vast constellation of humanistic art. Like a fire gathering into a brilliant star cluster, we spread out as countless stars, lighting up the night sky.

Founders’ Story


The story starts when I moved to a new city. After graduation, all of my closed friends scattered in different parts of the world. I commented on their posts and replied to their stories, but feel something is missing and didn’t know what to do with it. I feel hard to fill many hours I have after work. Soon I realized I was carving for meaningful relationships, in person, face to face relationship.

It just so happened that one of my best friends reached out to me and we immediately clicked on this loneliness problem we all are experiencing. It reminds me of how I met my co-founder and how we became friends: we sat next to each other in college’s orientation event. We didn’t realize we ran into each other when we played in a music event 9 years ago until her mom recognized me in an old picture. It’s serendipity after many years. That’s the moment we realized how art, and event, and the fact that simply by sitting next to each other, can lead to a long lasting relationship. We want to bring the magic of how we met to you so you will meet soulmates and make meaningful connections.

So the world is no longer a lonely place for any of us.


I grew up in a boarding school in Beijing, where my friends were more than companions — they were family, bound not by blood but by soul. It felt like living in the Eden that Matisse once painted — a quiet paradise of shared warmth. For ten years, we were inseparable, until life scattered us at eighteen, each drifting toward our own horizon. Once kindred spirits, now years pass before we reunite.

We all know we live in a fragmented age, but I believe that art and culture have the power to draw us back together like stars.

For my childhood friends, for those I’ve met since — for Alina, for families, for teachers, and for the countless artists and art lovers out there — I am building this platform. A place where art can flourish, where scattered stars can find each other again. We are here not only to contribute to the flourishing of art but also to uphold a steady and unwavering devotion to global equity and peace.

We Need You.

If you want to be part of our community in promoting culture and art, contributing to long-lasting equity and peace through socializing with beautiful souls just like you, please subscribe: