Co-stars, Create Your Events
Join us as a co-star event planner & earn commission
You are the star we’ve been waiting for
If you're passionate or skilled in any of these…
You plan, design, and facilitate personalized events based on the matched user’ preference. If your application is approved, we will send you what your customers like, and you design the events based on their preferences.
You earn 70% of the event fees. Let’s say there’s 30 participants in your events and the fee per person is 30 so that gives you 900 × 70% = 630 as a event planner. If your application is approved as a event planner, we guarantee a certain number of participants showing up to your events so you will never have to worry about not making certain dollars. You will be responsible for the material/venue fee, but we will manage everything else for you: customer experiences, event marketing, invoicing, etc, you name it
Fill out the below survey (1 paragraph of who you are and 1 paragraph of a idea of art event that you’ve planned). If you have never planned an event before, give us an ideal art event that you would like to organize
fill out the form & let’s work together!
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!